( The Chambers of Glen Hodgetts )
Immigration Specialist Barristers

Public Access Immigration Barristers
Great George Street Chambers provides expert advice and representation in all aspects of UK immigration, asylum, and nationality law. Our specialist immigration and human rights' barristers are recognised as leaders in their fields and are exceptionally experienced in providing direct access services.
We are dedicated to fighting injustice and defending human rights. Highly active in our base in Bristol, we also provide advice and representation throughout the United Kingdom. We believe our clients should expect compassion, understanding and our passionate commitment to ensuring that all, irrespective of background and funding, receive the very best representation possible.

Chambers of Glen Hodgetts

Regulated by the Bar Standards Board

"No amount of words can convey the gratitude and appreciation I feel for choosing you to stand by me and fight my case. I genuinely believe that if you take on a case you put your whole and soul into it for your clients. I appreciate all the long hours and hard work you have put in for me and the determination with which you handled my case. Your selfless work has always been a beacon of good hope and the light at the end of the tunnel for me and I am genuinely thankful for giving me hope when none was available and bringing me out when I was helpless. Thank you for taking me out my current situation."
Asif Mehmood 22nd March 2017
Great George Street Chambers,
Chambers of Glen Hodgetts,
Saint Brandon's House,
27-29 Great George Street,
Bristol, BS1 5QT
landline: 0117 920 0144
mobile: 07966 495 468